Friday, April 29, 2011

/Blog Post #6 /The Meatrix

       Actually I already knew about the bad conditions of the factory farms before watching the Meatrix.  I have interested in food, especially meat products. I like to eat not only grilled any kind of meat, but also dairy products. So when I choose some food like them, I am usually prior that how the company made the products is believable and honesty. When we go to the supermarkets to buy meat or dairy products, we couldn't find these products from family or small farms easily. Many products from the huge corporate factory farms are occupied most supermarkets. According to the a number of media sources about the reporting to the bad companies, I think the quality of family or small farms' products are better than corporate factories' products. However, why we could not buy them from family and small farms is the price of most of them is more expensive than factory farms products. Because the family or small farms don't have enough and low cost procedures which their products go to the consumer. However giant factory farms already arranged the low price and quick processes. In this situations, the USDA needs to put more money to the family and small farms to build the processes. Unless so we can get the products so reasonable price. However, when I take this problems through my view, it doesn't look solved quickly. So what we can do for the small and family farms is to buy their products even if they are expensive. From today I will buy the products from small and family farms and I completely don't buy the products from the big factory farms' products.


  1. a agree with you, you have good ideas with this post. and you also have good grammar on this post.

  2. i agree your ideas and point, i enjoy your post.

  3. Yes. I strongly agree with your idea. I already knew about factory farms from before like you. Hence, whenever I buy some milk and eggs, I always choose organic things. Recently, we do not have enough opportunities to choose good products.

  4. yes dear you really strong idea about meatrix.we have to support the family farm. people have be careful when they eat something and always eat organic food.

  5. I agree with you about"we couldn't find these products from family or small farms easily. " and "when I take this problems through my view, it doesn't look solved quickly.", because we want to choice the low price one. However, we need to choice healthy things for ourselves.

  6. I agree with you as well. We should start eating organic and I liked your idea on how the USDA should focus their attention on getting these products from family farms instead of these big companies.

  7. You have very good ideas and your grammar is very good. You could develop your essay more by giving the Meatrix a summary that goes through the beginning and end with your conclusion to complete your essay structure. I know you can write a good essay.

  8. Hello, your writing is very ordenize and you express yourself in a reasonable manner. smart comments about the food industry issue are well stated. Congras, I think that you are working hard and defenitely making huge progress. keep it up.

  9. That is a good idea not to buy the big factory's farm product because we don't know what they put in the food for producing and also put the chemical that the food can long lasting in the market. That is why I agree with you to buy the small farm or family farm for the food.

  10. I agree with you. You strongly support the idea with your own experience. I think people need to pay attention on that, and it would influence our health seriously.

  11. I believe you have a good essay. You mention few points of the movie and you gave examples as well. The only thing I don't see is a introduction or conclusion. Besides that you wrote a good essay and it grabs peoples attention to want to read it.

  12. Hello HaengGi:
    I do Agree with you my friend, unfortunately this is a very complex theme. There is no way the government is going to stop getting money at our health expenses. So keep going on the research and development of this interesting issue.
